
Our annual show showcases the best in horticulture, floral design, and vegetable growing. Enter your own exhibits or simply enjoy the displays.

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Our Annual Summer Show is on Saturday 19 August 2023

The Show Schedule gives you all the details of how to enter the show and a list of classes. If it is flowers, fruit or veg you are planning to enter, there are handy tips for how to display them, eg tomatoes should have the stalk attached. There are also sections for flower decoration, handicrafts & hobbies, photography, the kitchen and classes for children. For those skilled with words, there are the mini saga and limerick classes, always well supported.

Entries should be made using the online form below or by completing the pdf form above or to one of the entry box locations: the Community Office, High Street, Bruton, or Bruton Country Stores, Wisteria Yard, Bruton by the Wednesday before the show. You then bring your exhibits to King's School Sports Hall between 8.00am and 10.30am on show day. The doors are locked at 10.30 when judging starts.

The show starts at 2.30 and teas are available all afternoon. The presentation of prizes is at 4.30. After that you can collect your exhibits.

8.00 am - 10.30 am staging of exhibits, followed by judging
2.30 pm doors open.
4.30 pm presentation of prizes.
5.00 pm show closes.

Admission £1. Children and Members free.

The Society is most grateful for the support and help received throughout the year. A special mention is appropriate for those who make this Show possible. We thank the Headmaster and Governors of King's School for allowing the use of the Hall, not only on the day of the Show but for the two days before it. We are indebted to the local businesses advertising in this schedule. We hope that these businesses in turn benefit. We are also indebted to Sexey's School for printing this first class Show schedule. Special thanks to Battens Solicitors who have sponsored the printing of the show schedule

Show classes by section - please refer to the show schedule for full details of each class, notes and show rules


1 “A touch of heat” - Collection - 4 or more kinds of vibrant- coloured flowers
2 Vase of hardy perennials - At least 4 kinds, 50cm wide max. may include shrubs
3 Vase of annual flowers - Any varieties, 50cm wide max
4 Phlox - 3 stems, any varieties
5 Clematis - 1 specimen bloom in small container
6 Dahlias - 3 cactus, any varieties
7 Dahlias - 3 any one variety other than cactus
8 Dahlia - 1 specimen bloom, 15cm dia max
9 Dahlia - 1 specimen bloom, over 15cm dia
10 Roses - 3 specimen blooms, any varieties
11 Rose - 1 single bloom
12 Rose - 1 stem, multiple blooms
13 Crocosmia - 3 stems, any varieties
14 Penstemons - 3 stems, any varieties
15 Gladiolus - 1 spike
16 Sweet Peas - 5 stems
17 Fuchsia - 6 flower heads, any mix, displayed in a flat container
18 Pansies or violas - 6 flower heads displayed in a bowl of water, 20cm max
19 Vase of 5 stems of 1 kind of flower
20 Collection of cut miniature flowers in an egg cup
21 Collection of mixed ornamental grasses / sedges - 5 stems
22 Collection of dried seed heads
23 Orchid - Flowering, in a container
24 One pot plant - Flowering, 20cm pot max
25 One pot plant - Foliage, 20cm pot max
26 Fuchsia Koralle - Grown from a plug plant, kindly donated by The Gardens Group, 20cm pot max
27 Geranium New Century - Grown from a plug plant, kindly donated by The Gardens Group, 20cm pot max
28 Most fragrant rose - 1 single bloom
29 Most fragrant sweet peas - 3 stems


30 Potatoes - 3 of one white variety
31 Potatoes - 3 of one coloured variety
32 Runner Beans - 6
33 French Beans - 6 - dwarf
34 French Beans - 6 - climbing or pea
35 Onions - 3 - trimmed to pass through 7.5cm ring
36 Onions - 3 - large, trimmed
37 Garlic - 2 - matching bulbs, any variety other than elephant garlic, 2.5cm stem
38 Carrots - 3 - long tapering, foliage trimmed
39 Carrots - 3 - other than long, foliage trimmed
40 Beetroots - 3 - foliage trimmed
41 Rhubarb - 3 stalks, leaf trimmed to 7.5cm
42 Courgettes - 2 - matching pair, approximately 15cm long with or without flowers
43 Cucumber - 1 fruit, outdoor grown
44 Cucumber - 1 fruit, greenhouse or polytunnel grown
45 A pot of “cut and come again” lettuce - 30 cm pot max
46 Chilli peppers - 2 - matching pair
47 Sweet pepper - 1
48 Tomato - 1 large (e.g. beefsteak)
49 Tomatoes - 3 - of a standard variety
50 Tomatoes - 9 - small fruited, not plum
51 Tomatoes - 9 - small fruited, plum
52 A complete truss of tomatoes
53 Any vegetable not previously mentioned - Exhibitors are encouraged to show lesser-known kinds.
54 Collection of vegetables - 3 kinds, displayed, can include any of the above. Exhibit may be staged on bench 60cm width max
55 Collection of culinary herbs - At least 4 kinds in a vase, named (no flowers)
56 Herb growing in a pot - 20 cm pot max
Novelty Classes
57 Most unusual shaped fruit or vegetable -
58 Heaviest Potato
59 Longest Runner Bean
60 Heaviest Onion
61 Heaviest Marrow / Courgette
62 Tallest weed (not a climber) - 5 dessert
63 Smallest ripe tomato


64 Apples - 5 dessert
65 Apples - 5 cooking
66 Pears - 3
67 Blackberries - 20 in a dish
68 Plums - 6
69 A dish of stone fruit - Not plums. A reasonable quantity e.g. damsons - 9, apricots - 3
70 Raspberries - 20 in a dish
71 Redcurrants - A reasonable quantity e.g. 170gm
72 Dish of any other fruit - A reasonable quantity e.g. figs - 3
73 Collection of fruit - A presentation of 3 kinds of fruit, can include any of the above


74 “Coronation celebration” - An exhibit of mixed flowers and foliage illustrating the Coronation. Max 60cm
75 Shades of one colour - An exhibit to include flowers and foliage. Max 45cm width and depth,
76 “Petrol station challenge” - The best arrangement you can make from a petrol station / supermarket
77 Table centre piece - An exhibit of flowers and foliage, accessories allowed. Max
78 “It’s a small world” - Max 25cm width, depth and 37cm height


79 An alien - Made from any vegetable or plant material, may include cocktail sticks
80 An invitation or greetings card - Hand made
81 A limerick - “Charles finally got the throne ..” - A5 size paper
82 A mini saga -
83 A knitted or crocheted article
84 A tapestry or cross-stitch item from a kit
85 An article of patchwork, needlepoint, tapestry, weaving, collage, lace or hand produced felt
86 A hand-made hat - Must be wearable
87 A recycled item - A new item made from old clothing Please state the item’s previous use
88 A dog in any medium - Max height 45cm, max depth and width 30cm
89 Wind chimes - Any medium
90 A cushion cover - Any medium
91 An original painting - In any medium, max 60cm x 60cm, so able to be hung on display
92 An original drawing - In charcoal, pen and ink, or pencil,max 60cm x 60cm, so able to be hung
93 A miniature garden - 30cm x 30cm max.


94 Extreme weather
95 The King’s Coronation
96 Doorways
97 The colour green
98 Form without substance (e.g. spray, murmuration, steam)
99 Find your way (e.g. signage, maps, compasses, stars)
100 What is the time?
101 Eat your greens


102 Focaccia
103 5 fruit scones - using a 5cm cutter
104 A cake made with fruit (not dried)- 20cm (please state the fruit used)
105 A swiss roll
106 A bakewell tart
107 5 decorated cup cakes
108 A round of shortbread
109 A wacky sandwich
110 Two different items incorporating cheese
111 5 brownies
112 7 mini meringues
113 A fruit cake - for men and boys only
114 A jar of strawberry jam
115 A jar of jam (not strawberry)
116 A jar of fruit jelly
117 A jar of Seville orange marmalade
118 A jar of chutney
119 A jar of honey
120 5 hen or duck eggs
121 Home-made cordial
122 Home-made fruit spirit


Group 1: open to all children under 7 on Show Day
123 A collage pattern
124 A sponge print picture
125 A model using craft materials

Group 2: open to all children under 9 on Show Day
126 A Lego model
127 A painting or drawing of my favourite flower
128 As many different items as possible in a standard matchbox
129 A handicraft item, e.g. a pompom or fabric item

Group 3: open to all children under 12 on Show Day
130 An arrangement of flowers or foliage in a jam jar
131 A Lego model
132 A decorated pizza

Group 4: open to all children under 16 on Show Day
133 A digital painting or drawing
134 A handicraft item e.g. an article of patchwork, needlepoint, tapestry, weaving, collage, lace or hand produced felt
135 5 pieces of rocky road
136 A photograph of My Favourite Animal
137 A photograph of Ice Cream
138 A photograph of My Favourite Game

Show entry form